Saturday, August 29, 2015

Stay Foolish, Keep Learning

Sabtu Produktif - Nggak ada waktu buat berleha-leha di weekend. Kalau minggu lalu kejar setoran jahitan tas, minggu ini mau belajar e-commerce bareng temen-temen Komunitas Melek Internet (MI). Hajat MI kali ini bekerjasama dengan Tokopedia.

Selesai ngajar private, langsung capcus ke stasiun Depok Lama dan numpang commuter line menuju stasiun Cawang. O iya, saya nggak belajar sendirian kali ini.

Ada Banyak Cinta di Setiap Jahitan

Yup....that's exactly what I'm doing.
Not only when I'm dealing with my kids' request, but also with my customers' orders.
For me, sewing is not an easy stuff. At some points, it's killing me. There's always first time for everything, just like wise men used to say. I used that quote to boost my mood everytime I got my stitch wrong. But I totally agree that once you got the enlightment, you'll find those challenges as sweet as pure honey.
Ransel untuk keperluan baby pesanan mbak Imelda, Jakarta
Padanan kain disiapkan pemesan - full katun
Bagian depan disesuaikan dengan ukuran diapers, semua kantong luar memakai tutup agar perlengkapan bayi bisa aman terjaga (tidak tumpah keluar)
Bagian dalam bersekat karet (di sisi samping) untuk menyimpan botol susu
It's always good to have a chat with my customers about the bags they dreamt. What fabric they want for the outer and inner, how many pockets they need, how big they want their bags, etcetera.